Integrations are easy to setup and use. Just store the userToken in your database and use it to link your users with the supported integrations. For a specific user, a single userToken can be used for all the connected integrations.

Calling integration endpoints

To call an integration endpoint pass the userToken in the header of your request by setting X-User-Token.

Here is an example of how you can call the LinkedIn endpoint to get a list of invitations:

curl \
    -H "X-User-Token: YOUR_USER_TOKEN" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer PAPERCUTS_API_KEY"
  "status": "ok",
  "invitations": [..]

Replace YOUR_USER_TOKEN with the userToken and PAPERCUTS_API_KEY with the provided Papercuts API Key.

Next Steps

Pre-built Actions

Learn how to automate using our pre-built actions.